Current directions

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Validation of a measure of self-focus

I am currently assessing how personality traits explain variance in self-directed gazes measured using an eye-tracker. The aim of this project is to investigate whether eye-trackers can be used to monitor self-focus avoidance/approach. The project is currently at the Data Analysis stage.

Narcissism and romantic relationships

A small research program toward understanding how narcissism and inclusion of the other in the self might influence social comparisons with a significant other. The project is currently at the Data Analysis stage.

Self-Perception Motives

In collaboration with the University of Southampton, I am analysing a large data sets describing how individuals form an image of the self. The aim of the project is to contrast two motives that have been argued to guide the way people form an image of the self: the self-enhancement motive on the one hand, and the self-verification motive on the other hand - these two motives being inconsistent when it comes to negative self-aspects and dysphoric individuals associated to low self-esteem. Currently at the Data Analysis stage.

Self-focus avoidance in depression

Investigating the effect of failure on self-focus avoidance among depressive participants using an eye-tracker. The project is currently at the Data Analysis stage.

Threatened Meanings in life

I am involved in two international collaborations investigating how individuals try to restore meaning when faced with meaninglessness. Both these projects are currently at the Project Elaboration stage.

Jean Monéger
Jean Monéger
Post-Doctoral Researcher

My research interests include social cognition and fun.