[French] A shiny tutorial to understand type I and type II error rates and their relation to questionnable research practices: https://jeanmoneger.shinyapps.io/mooc1/ [Deactivated - Contact me for access]
[English] A shiny app to study the effect of publication bias: https://jeanmoneger.shinyapps.io/Publication_Bias_Simulator/
[English] A shiny app illustrating the “Replication Paradox” (Nuijten et al., 2015). It allows the user to see how publication bias and effect sizes interact to produce more or less biased effect size’s estimations (and, yeah, I shamelessly called it ‘size matters’… flabbergasting): https://jeanmoneger.shinyapps.io/SizeMatters/ -Deactivated - Contact me for access-
[French] A tutorial to understand interaction effects and learn to use R to simulate studies in order to evaluate statistical power in those experimental designs focusing on interaction effects: https://jeanmoneger.shinyapps.io/Puissance_interaction/ -Deactivated - Contact me for access-
[English] The same tutorial on interaction effects and how to estimate statistical power for interaction effects, but in english: https://jeanmoneger.shinyapps.io/Tutorial_Power_Interaction_Effects/
[English] Reference Checker reads .doc, .docx or .txt document (UTF-8 encoding) to assess in-text citations that are not found in the references section, and references from the references section not found in-text. It is not perfect yet, but it covers > 80% of the references. https://jeanmoneger.shinyapps.io/Reference_Checker/ -Back online soon-